Search filters
- You can filter search results f.ex. with publication year, language and document type. Some filters are shown by default on the left side of search results.
- To get more filters click Show additional filters and choose the filters you need.
- Using Full text filter is not recommended. PubMed does not recognize which full texts University of Oulu or Oulu University of Applied Sciences have access to. Free full text filter limits search results to open access articles and excludes licensed articles, also those your organization may have access to. Use the filter with caution.
- If you filter publication year using the diagram slider, whole years are included. Publication date filter below filters search results to the day, f.ex. using 5 years filter in May 2021 gives publications published since May 2016.
Filters applied are shown above search results. Subsequent searches will be filtered until the selected filters are turned off, or until your browser data is cleared.
If you create My NCBI account you can save customized filters for later use.