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Saving a thesis: Preparing your thesis

Save your thesis in Theseus when you have received permission from your supervisor. The thesis must be completed and comply with the Oamk guidelines in terms of both content and layout. It must also meet accessibility requirements.

  • Make sure that you are saving the correct file, i.e. the latest reviewed and approved version.
  • Ensure that there are no student numbers, personal contact details or references to confidential information in your thesis or its appendices. Check that you have made all the suggested corrections and perform an accessibility check before converting the work to PDF/A.
  • A thesis is only saved once in Theseus. Once saved and published, the PDF file can no longer be modified. Once published, editing the thesis is only possible in the library for compelling reasons and with the permission of the supervisor.
  • Theseus' instructions for naming the file is Surname_Firstname. If the thesis has more than one author, the file is named with the authors’ surnames, e.g. Surname_Surname_Surname.pdf". Do not use Scandic letters, i.e. Å, Ä and Ö.