The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is based on the print version of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. The online dictionary includes the main A-Z listing of the Collegiate Dictionary, as well as the Abbreviations, Foreign Words and Phrases, Biographical Names, and Geographical Names sections of that book. It also includes 1,000 illustrations and 25 tables.
The TEPA is the Finnish Terminology Centre TSK's multilingual term bank of special language terms and their definitions.
TEPAn kielet ovat suomi, ruotsi ja muut pohjoismaiset kielet sekä englanti, saksa, ranska, venäjä (translitteroituna), espanja ja italia. Eniten TEPAssa on suomea, mutta usein termitietueissa on suomenkielisten termien ja määritelmien lisäksi vastineet 1—6 muulla kielellä.
Kaikkiaan TEPAssa on yli 100 000 termitietuetta. Määrä kasvaa vuosittain sitä mukaa kuin TSK saa käyttöönsä TEPAan soveltuvaa aineistoa.
More than 75,000 public domain books in HTML.
Books and texts in various languages, including Finnish. Only the public access section is freely available.
Through Universal Borrowing the staff and students of the University of Oulu can request journal articles free of charge from the National Repository Library, which is located in Kuopio. Instructions
The interlibrary loan service orders publications for loan and photocopies of publications that are not available at Oulu University Library. The service is fee-based.
In the Publication Forum you can search for journals, publication series and book publishers that have a Publication Forum classification. The rating has three levels: 1 = basic; 2 = leading; 3 = top.
Serial publications and monographs by the Finnish Environment Institute.
The results of research and other activities carried out by the Finnish Environment Institute are regularly published in various Finnish and foreign scientific and professional journals, and special guides and reports. We also produce a variety of publications in cooperation with other organisations.
Julkari is an open publications archive common for the administrative branch of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Collections: Kansanterveyslaitos KTL , Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus Fimea, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tutkimus- ja kehittämiskeskus Stakes, Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö STM, Säteilyturvakeskus STUK, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL ja Työterveyslaitos TTL.