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Geography subject guide
Etsi Kirjaston oppaiden sisällöistä
Geography subject guide: Statistics
Theses and research
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Statistics Finland
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Electronic publications of Statistics Finland
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Finland in Figures (Statistics Finland) EN
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Finland in Figures contains key statistical data about Finland on 25 different statistical topics. International comparison data are also included.
Findicator (Statistics Finland) EN
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Up-to-date information on key social indicators. Each indicator provides information in the form of statistical pictures, tables and analyses.
Statistical databases (Statistics Finland) EN
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
KELA statistics EN
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
The purpose of the statistics compiled by Kela is to serve the continued development of social protection in Finland.
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
The Eurostat website covers statistics published by Eurostat (EU Statistical Office).
International statistics (Statistics Finland)
The selection includes free data sources of the most important and reliable international organisations and communities.
Statistical yearbooks (Statistics Finland) EN
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Statistical yearbooks from several countries.
OECD Statistics Portal EN
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
United Nations Statistical Databases
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
Statistics on all countries of the world by the United Nations Statistics Division
WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) EN
Linkki avautuu uuteen ikkunaan
The guide to health and health-related epidemiological and statistical information available from the World Health Organization.
SOTKAnet - National Institute for Health and Welfare
SOTKAnet Statistics and Indicator Bank.
SOTKAnet contains comprehensive statistical information on welfare and health in Finland. The service also includes key data on population and health in Europe broken down by country.
Theses and research
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Kirjaston oppaat - Oulun yliopisto
Kirjaston oppaat - Oamk
Library guides - University of Oulu
Library guides - Oamk
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