Siirry pääsisältöön

Biochemistry and molecular medicine: Academic Writing

Academic writing

Mendeley reference manager

  • Mendeley guide (Oulu University Library)
  • Mendeley is a free reference management application. Mendeley can be accessed both through the user interface installed on your computer and via the web.

Covidence systematic review management tool

Covidence is a web-based tool for systematic review management. You can import references from databases to Covidence. Covidence helps you with screening process and duplicate checking.


Turnitin compares documents and flags similarities as a possible instance of plagiarism.


Muuntaja is a web-based service, which can be used to convert the following documents to a PDF/A format.

Instructions to authors

Mulford Health Science Library: Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences

Other reference managers

Free reference managers: BibTeXZoteroMendeley