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Self-study material for information searches: Locating materials

How to check for full-text availability?


1. Check the full-text links

Click the full-text links and icons that are available in the database. In order to access full-text versions, make sure you have signed into the database through the links found on the library's website. Read more about remote access 


2. Check with Google Scholar

Copy the name of the article you are looking for from the reference database. Sign in to Google Scholar through the library's website. Paste the name of the article into the search field. You might need to add quotation marks around it in order to find the exact phrase. E.g. "Nurse leaders as managers of ethically sustainable caring cultures". Google Scholar locates material from databases licenced to Oulu University of Applied Sciences as well as open archives or repositories.


3. Check with Oula-Finna (Oamk)

Sign in to Oula-Finna (Oamk). Paste the name of the article into the search field and click "International e-materials search". You might need to add quotation marks around it in order to find the exact phrase. Oula Finna locates materials from databases licenced to Oulu University of Applied Sciences as well as open archives or repositories. If you don't find the article's full-text version, you may find the printed journal through the basic search (Books, journals etc.). You can either borrow the journal or scan the article at the library. 


4. Check the National Repository Library collections

Students and staff of Oamk can request article copies free of charge from the National Repository Library, which is situated in Kuopio. Check the availability of the journal you need in the National Repository Library. Attach the exact reference information of the article in your request. You can collect a copy of the article from the library. 


5. Check with Oula Finna (University of Oulu)

You can also check University of Oulu's Oula-Finna user interface if they have access to the material you are seeking. Students of Oamk cannot use the university's materials remotely, but they can access them at the university campus in Pegasus library or the Medical Library. In addition, the Health and Social Care Library as well as Oulainen Learning Centre have a customer computer that can be used to access both Oamk's and the university's e-resources. 


6. Check the possibility for interlibrary loans

If the material cannot be found in the nearby libraries, it might be available as an interlibrary loan from other libraries in Finland. 

Is it in a full-text database?

In full-text databases you can usually view, download or print the source right away. If you are at home you might need to use a proxy server to access licensed material.

Is it in the campus library?

Printed material is a bit trickier. Does your campus library have a copy? Is it available for borrowing or is it only for reference use? Is it loaned out at the moment? Do you have to make a request and wait? In which shelf it is in the library?


If you can't find the material, ask help from the library staff. We are happy to help!