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Mendeley Guide: Your library and editing references

Private Group

Sharing references with others (Private Group)

  • You can create up to five Private Groups, which can have up to 25 members each.
  • In addition to references you can also share for example PDF files within the group. Other group members can add comments to them.
  • Outsiders cannot see the group, its members or the shared files.
  • Note! If you want to cite references in Word that are saved into a private group, you need to first save those references into your own library, into your own Collections. You can only cite references saved into your Collections. 

Editing references in Mendeley Library

Clicking the reference shows the complete reference information on the right side of the page. The changes you make are saved automatically. If needed, sync  the changes in different Mendeley add-ins. 

  • You can edit the information by clicking the field you wish to edit.
  • You can add tags to different information fields. You can use these tags to quickly find references related to a specific subject area.
  • You can add the full text file to the reference by clicking Files. 

At the end of the reference information there is a choice to: Share this reference anonymously with Mendeley Web Catalog. If you do not wish to share the reference information with other Mendeley users, then uncheck the box here.


Subscript and superscript, special characters and symbols

Subscript is marked with the code <sub> and superscript with the code <sup>, see an example below. In Mendeley Library the codes are shown as they are written, but when you cite the reference with Mendeley Cite, the characters are shown correctly in the bibliography.


Click New Collection and give a name to your collection. You can also create subcollections. 

  • "Drag" the reference to a collection of your choosing. OR
  • Check the box of the reference and click Organize -> Add to Collection

All References includes all the references in all the collections.

My Publications includes the user's own publications that they have imported into Mendeley.

Reading and notes

You can open a document saved into Mendeley by double-clicking it. In the document you can 

  • highlight text
  • add Sticky notes/Annotations in the text
  • add notes in the Notebook

Saving references into a file (.bib, .xml ja .ris)

Choose the references you wish to save into a file. Click Export and choose the file format.

In the desktop version of Mendeley Reference Manager you can create a backup copy of your entire library: File -> Export all -> Choose the file format.