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CINAHL: Basic and advanced search

CINAHL (University of Oulu)

CINAHL is accessible from any computer connected to the University / Oulu University Hospital (OYS) network. Outside the campus network you must log in with your University of Oulu user ID in order to access the database. 


CINAHL is accessible from any computer connected to the Oamk network. Outside the campus network you must log in with your Oamk user ID in order to access the database.

Finding full texts

Check the availability of the full text by clicking the Access options button below the reference. In EBSCO, articles are available in different formats: HTML/Online full text and PDF. 

Many full text articles are available via link resolvers:

  • University of Oulu BrowZine / Oamk BrowZine
  • Check Oula-Finna for availability.

In this example picture access options are Oamk Bowzine and Check Oula-Finna availability.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


  • CINAHL stands for the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature. CINAHL is a reference database which includes also a notable amount of full text articles.
  • The University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences have access to CINAHL with full text.  


Search techniques and search strings


  • Truncation: In CINAHL, the asterisk (*) represents any group of characters, including no character. Use it at the end of the root of your term. E.g. disease* searches for disease, diseases, diseased.
  • Boolean operators OR, AND and NOT can be used to combine search terms

AND = finds results with all of your search terms.  AND narrows your search (i.e., get fewer citations).

OR = finds results with any of your search terms.  OR broadens your search (i.e., get more citations).

NOT = eliminates items that contain the specified term.  NOT narrows your search (i.e., get fewer citations).

  • Proximity operator is used when the search terms need to be within a certain distance from each other. It defines how many words there can be between two words. E.g. in search string (distan* OR online OR virtual* OR remote*) N3 (educat* OR learn* OR teach*) N3 defines that there can be three words in maximum between the search terms. Word order can be inverted.
  • Words written sequentially are located within five words apart. Word order can be inverted. E.g. nursing home = home nursing, nursing in patient's home etc.
  • Phrase search: By using quotation marks (phrase search) you can search with the combination of two or more words. The words written inside the quotation marks will appear in that order in the search results. E.g. "nursing home resident" doesn't search for residents of a nursing home. 
  • When searching with a hyphen, words that appear consecutively without a hyphen are also found. For example, "soci* emotion*" finds forms such as socio-emotional, socio emotional, and social emotional. However, the form socioemotional should be searched separately: "soci* emotion*" OR socioemotional.


Advanced Search

  • As default three search fields are in use. If more search fields are needed, click "Add fields".
  • Fields can be combined with operators AND, OR, NOT. Operators can be selected from the drop-down menu. 
  • Within the search field, words can also be combined with the AND, OR, NOT operators.
  • Enter your search terms in the boxes at the top of the screen (the database will suggest terms as you start typing). Add synonyms, asterisk (truncation) or quotation marks (phrase search) if necessary.
  • It is possible to choose in which fields the search terms must be found. 
    • The default option is "All fields". This covers Title, Abstract and Subject Headings. This is suitable for systematic searching.
    • If you select "All Text" the database will search also the available full texts, so you are likely to get a lot of irrelevant results. If you don't select any field, keywords are by default targeted to titles, abstracts and subject headings. Note! All fields and All text have a different meaning.
    • "Title" searches from Article title field. This option is too narrow for systematic reviews.


In the picture in CINAHL's advanced search, a following search has been performed. "Art therap*" OR "music therap*" OR "drama therap*" are written on the first search line. These terms have the title targeting. "Title" is selected from the drop-down menu.In the second line, words child* OR adolescent* OR youth OR teen are combined to the first line using the AND operator. Thise search term is targeted "All fields". Words "mental health" OR depress* OR anxiet* have been written to the third search line and targeted all fields.



  • Kielen voi vaihtaa esim. suomeksi.


  • HTML-muotoisia artikkeleita (Online full text) voi kuunnella ja kääntää esimerkiksi suomeksi. Käännöstä ei voi kuunnella.
  • PDF-muotoisia artikkeleita voi kuunnella.
  • Kuunneltavat artikkelit voi ladata mp3-muodossa.


User interface

  • Interface language can be changed.


  • HTML format articles (Online full text) can be listened to and translated. The translation cannot be listened to.
  • PDF format articles can be listened to.
  • Articles that can be listened to can be downloaded in mp3 format.
