The Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management provides a broad basis for understanding the issues, technologies, theories, applications, opportunities, and challenges being faced by researchers and organizations today in their quest for knowledge management.
Over 170 contributors from 23 countries have conferred their expertise to this publication, and with 940 definitions and more than 3,600 references, this encyclopedia is the single source for reliable and modern-day research in the field of knowledge management.
In the Frost & Sullivan market database you will find reports from many different technology areas, e.g. market trends, the latest technologies and players in the industry, future prospects and emerging industries. | Access on campus or via VPN. | More info (Patio) contains information on the largest companies in the Nordic countries, based on fiscal year reports from 50 000 companies - the 20 000 largest from Sweden, and the 10 000 largest from Denmark, Norway and Finland respectively.
Ajantasainen lainsäädäntö; Juridinen uutis- ja seurantapalvelu; Lakikirjaston juridiset lehdet, artikkelit ja kirjat; Valtiosopimukset ja EU-lainsäädäntö; Hallituksen esitykset, valiokuntamietinnöt, perustuslakivaliokunta-tietokanta ja ministeriöiden julkaisut; Oikeuskäytäntö; Virallistieto: valtioneuvoston viikko, eduskunnan viikko, kirjanpitolautakunnan yleisohjeet, rakentamismääräykset ja verohallinnon ohjeet; Aikakausjulkaisut: JFT, Lakimies, Oikeus ja Ympäristöjuridiikka tuoreimpia 18 kuukauden, Defensor legis tuoreimpia 36 kuukauden numeroita lukuun ottamatta, Verotus-lehti; Asiakirjamallit.
FINLEX is a freely accessible database of Finnish legislation. The texts are mainly in Finnish and in Swedish.
FINLEX contains over thirty different databases.