Start using a reference management tool from the beginning of your information retrieval for a seminar paper or a thesis or a research topic. Your references will stay in order and it will be easy to create a bibliography.
When using works (e.g. journal article, e-book) obtained from academic research databases or platforms, APA style rules are:
Material without page numbers
Web citations require much of the same information as print sources, but also provide the location of an online source:
1. Permanent identifier, etc. DOI, URN, Handle, or permalink.
Search for DOI:
2. Reference to web archive, Internet Archive or Memento, either existing version or version archived by you.
3. Avoid using the URL.
Laturi is the University of Oulu's electronic thesis submission system. It allows you to submit your thesis online for approval and archiving. The system will be introduced in early 2013.
Get help in seeking information on your subject.
Ask about the databases, e-books, articles or reference management.
Email: informationservice(at)
The Urkund system is a software for the checking of bibliographic references and prevention of plagiarism