Open access publishing and self-archiving


Compliance data Information on the conditions for open access set by the funders.

Embargo The time period set by the publisher from the publication of the original work during which parallel publishing of the work is not allowed. Breaking the embargo period means that you break your contract with the publisher, thus making the parallel published version illegal. In other contexts embargo may refer for example to the time period during which the publisher refrains from publishing an electronic, licensed, non-open-access version of a journal that is also published in printed form. An embargo does not always exist and it may be different for journals published by different publishers and/or in different fields (SSH Journals/STM Journals).

General conditions The other preconditions for publishing the article set by the publisher, determining for example in which venues parallel publishing is allowed and reminding the author how to cite original sources.

Gratis OA Means free of charge. This means that price barriers alone are removed from access to the publication. It allows no uses beyond what is considered legitimate under copyright and fair use.

Final published version (or publisher PDF) Refers to the version of the work that the publisher distributes electronically. Final version laid out by the publisher.

Final draft post-refereeing see Post-print.

Libre OA Means free of charge and free of at least some permission barriers. This means that the article is free for some kinds of further use and reuse, and presupposes some kind of open licence that allows types of uses that are not permitted by default.

Mandated OA Shows the research funders who require open access to their funded research.

Non-profit server Non-profit server/publication repository.

Paid open access Journal/publisher offers the possibility to pay for open access to the article (hybrid journal).

Pre-print Refers to the work as it was when it was initially submitted to the publisher for peer review, i.e. it has not undergone a peer review process.

Post-print (final draft or author-accepted version) Refers to the post-peer-review version of the work, as it is before the publisher has created the final layout for the work (logos etc.).

Publisher version see Final published version

Restrictions Possible restrictions set by the publisher for parallel publishing.

SSH Journals Social science and humanities journals.

STM Journals Science, technology & medicine journals.