The principles of open access publishing of the University of Oulu describe the general principles and prerequisites for the publishing activity of the university personnel and publications of the university based on the Recommendations to research organizations from the National Coordination Group for Open Science (in Finnish).
Open access publishing refers to the free dissemination of scientific knowledge. A scientific publication is openly accessible when both the scholarly community and the general public have free and unrestricted access to it on the Internet.
Open access publishing increases the visibility, use and impact of publications.
There are different ways authors can provide open access to their article:
Scholarly monographs and compilations are also published open access.
In the spirit of open science, researchers are also encouraged to post non-peer reviewed manuscripts (i.e. pre-prints) into pre-print repositories, such as Zenodo, Arxiv and BioRXiv.
From 2021, the funding model of the Ministry of Culture and Education rewards open access publishing with a coefficient of 1.2 for open access publications. A publication is considered open access if it is published open access in an open access or hybrid journal or made open access by self-archiving.
Major research funders in Finland (e.g. European Commission, Academy of Finland, Business Finland) require or recommend open access publishing in the projects they fund.
The Academy of Finland follows the Plan S principles of immediate open access to research publications in projects funded from Academy calls opened after 1 January 2021.
Contact us if you need help or support with open access publishing, self-archiving, or article processing charges (APC) of the journals:
Publications deposited into the OuluREPO repository are downloaded millions of times yearly from all over the world.
The material deposited into OuluREPO is indexed by Internet search engines (e.g. Google, GoogleScholar, Yahoo), as well as databases (e.g. OpenAire, Base) and services (e.g. UnPayWall) indexing open access publications.
The OuluREPO repository is OpenAire compatible and fulfills the requirements of H2020 funding for repositories.
The University of Oulu open access repository OuluREPO contains:
In open access publishing the author retains the copyright when the publication has an open license.