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Systematic searching: 3. Using previously published search strategies

Previously published search strategies

It is useful to examine how concepts relevant to your topic have been defined and applied in previous systematic reviews. First, check to see if any reviews have been published on the same topic before. Not all the concepts from the previous review need to be identical. You can select the parts of the search strategy that are relevant to you. On the example topic, we would check what search terms have been used for nursing students. In addition, we would check what search terms have been used for hand hygiene.

Search strategies can be found in systematic reviews and their protocols

  • Systematic reviews can be searched e.g. in Medline and CINAHL with "systematic review" filter.
  • You can also try to search for systematic reviews in Oula-Finna by adding "systematic review" as a keyword.
  • The review protocol is often linked to the review itself. It is worth checking out the Methods section of the review article, as well as any attachments.

Search filters

Search filters, also called hedges, are strings of search terms that are used to limit search results. Remember when using a search strategy from another systematic review that you should assess it for quality rather than just copying it. If you do use all or part of another's search strategy then do remember to acknowledge the source.

Many experts and institutions have developed and shared their own search filters: