PubMed includes over 25 million bibliographic citations in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences. It provides access to MEDLINE® and to articles in selected life sciences journals not included in MEDLINE. PubMed is a free resource.
The MEDLINE is a bibliographic database providing information from the following fields: medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, allied health and pre-clinical sciences.
Includes Medline Daily Update which contains the latest references and Medline In-Process (new records which have not yet been enhanced with MeSH headings).
Multidisciplinary citation database: journals, conference papers, trade publications, book series, patents. Scopus quick guide | User rights
If you experience technical issues in accessing or using Scopus, try emptying your browser cache and cookies. You can also try a different browser: for example, switch from Chrome to Edge. If the problems persist, please contact the library at Technical issues in Scopus database
Database of nursing and allied health literature. CINAHL guide
CINAHL®, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, is the most comprehensive resource for nursing and allied health literature.
Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. In addition, this database offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters.
Web of Science provides access to 6 citation databases: the Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science, Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities and Emerging Sources Citation Index. More information.
A web search engine for scientific information. When you log in with your University of Oulu user ID, you have access to the licensed electronic resources also from outside the University of Oulu Network. Google Scholar quick guide
An easy-to-use interface for the world's leading chemical information sources, millions of literature and patent references, as well as chemical compounds and reactions containing information of CAS databases, such as the Chemical Abstracts database. Also contains Medline. Access only in university network, for remote connection use VPN client. Only the students and staff of University of Oulu are entitled to use this database. All users need to create a personal account to use SciFinder-n. Use an email address ending in contact information. Link to new user registation | SciFinder-n quick guide | Rights to use | SciFinder-n Content
Summarizes and updates the core clinical knowledge essential in general practice. In Finnish.
Summarizes and updates the core clinical knowledge essential in general practice. EBM Guidelines also describes the scientific evidence underlying the given recommendations and links the guidelines with Cochrane Reviews. In Finnish.
Database of nursing and allied health literature. CINAHL guide
CINAHL®, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, is the most comprehensive resource for nursing and allied health literature.
Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. In addition, this database offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters.
Subject coverage:
- Applied psychology
- Communication systems
- Developmental psychology
- Educational psychology
- Experimental human and animal psychology
- Personality
- Psychological and physical disorders
- Physiological psychology and neuroscience
- Professional personnel and issues
- Psychometrics and statistics
- Social psychology
- Social processes and issues
- Sports psychology and leisure
- Treatment and prevention
The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to educational-related literature.
Subject coverage:
- Adult, career and vocational education
- Counseling
- Elementary and early childhood education
- Education management
- Higher education
- Junior colleges
- Second-language learning
- Special education
- Teacher education
- Tests, measurement and evaluation
--- ERIC Searchable Fields: Education Levels
Summarizes and updates the core clinical knowledge essential in general practice. In Finnish.
Summarizes and updates the core clinical knowledge essential in general practice. EBM Guidelines also describes the scientific evidence underlying the given recommendations and links the guidelines with Cochrane Reviews. In Finnish.
UpToDate is a comprehensive evidence-based clinical information resource. UptoDate is available on the campus network or via university's VPN connection. Register for an account to benefit from mobile access. If you don't want to register, click "Continue with your search".
UpToDate is an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource which clinicians trust to make the right point-of-care decisions. More than 6,500 world-renowned physician authors, editors, and peer reviewers use a rigorous editorial process to synthesize the most recent medical information into trusted, evidence-based recommendations that are proven to improve patient care and quality. Over 1.3 million clinicians in 187 countries and nearly 90% of major academic medical centers in the United States rely on UpToDate to provide the best care. More than 80 research studies confirm widespread usage of UpToDate and the association of its use with improved patient care and hospital performance — including reduced length of stay, fewer adverse complications, and lower mortality.
Combines the latest research evidence from Clinical Evidence with peer reviewed expert opinion and guidelines. Structured around the patient consultation, it covers diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.
PEDro has been developed to give rapid access to bibliographic details and abstracts of randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
Grey literature sources (medicine and health sciences)
Grey literature sources (medicine and health sciences)
The international HTA database provides free access to bibliographic information about ongoing and published health technology assessments commissioned or undertaken by HTA organisations from around the world.
BMJ Learning is a learning website for medical professionals.
The learning resources deal with everyday issues in primary care and hospital medicine, they are evidence based and kept up to date. We currently have over 1000 learning modules. BMJ Learning is for hospital doctors, general practioners, general practioner trainees, practice nurses, practice managers, receptionists and anyone else who works in health care. Users have to register personally into the service.