Siirry pääsisältöön

The departmental publication series and ISBN identifiers: ISBN and ISSN identifiers

ISBN and ISSN identifiers

Authors publishing their dissertation or other publication in the series Acta  Universitatis Ouluensis or in Study Materials Series need not obtain an ISBN number. The publications editor assigns an ISBN to each publication in these series.

ISBNs for the other publications of the University of Oulu
The author fills the ISBN identifier form
, saves it as a PDF file with the name: ISBN_IDENTIFIER.pdf , and sends the file as an e-mail attachment to the address acta.toimitus(at)

NB Use Adobe Reader to fill in the PDF form. Although you may have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, the operating system may still use the inbuilt PDF Reader application to open PDF files, in which case you will not be able to fill in the form electronically. Save the PDF file to your own computer and open it using Adobe Reader.


ISSN identifies serial publications. In Finland, ISSN identifiers are applied for from the Finnish ISSN Agencies operating at the National Library of Finland. The identifiers are free for applicants.

Further information acta.toimitus(at)