The truncation mark is usually at the end of the word:
product* > product, products, production, producting, producted, productive...
Without a truncation mark, for example the singular and plural form will be found automatically.
product > product, products | products > product, products.
The truncation mark can be at the beginning and end of a word:
*behavio* > neurobehavior, biobehavioural...
*game* > game, videogamers, gameplay, ligament, gamete...
organization?ation* > organization, organizational, organizationally...
can also be applied for organisation* OR organization*
Different spellings can also be found without a wildcard:
anesthesia > anesthesia, anaesthesia
with a truncation mark should be applied for both: anesthe* OR anaesthe*
woman > woman, women.
Does not prevent automatic search for different spellings.
"defence organisation" > defence/defense organisation, defence/defense organizations, defence/defense organisation's, defence/defense organizations'
can also be searched for "defense organization" "rangifer tarandus tarandus" "Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns"
Truncating can be used:
"soci* emotion*" > socio-emotionally, social emotional
Can't use truncation marks, eg. * will be retrieved as the character asterisk, not a truncation mark.
{out-of-hospital} > out-of-hospital { out of hospital} > out of hospital
{teacher-student} OR {student-teacher}
{minors} > minors
story-tell* > story-telling, story tellers
story-tell* is the same as "story tell*"
Without hyphen or quotes, the search is an AND operation:
story tell* is the same as story AND tell*
Some hyphenated words can also be written together. They must be retrieved with the OR operator:
multi-profession* OR multiprofession*