Siirry pääsisältöön

Chemistry, process- and environmental engineering: Theses

Guides for electronic theses

Electronic theses at the University of Oulu



Electronic theses in Jultika

  • Results can be narrowed down by thesis type
  • Theses are available to the public by the student's permission. All electronic theses can be read in the library on e-theses workstations

Most recent  theses in English:

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Theses, dissertations and publications from other universities of Finland

Citation style in BA and MA theses

Follow the citation style specified in the writing instructions of your degree program. Choose the right citation style when using reference management software (e.g., Mendeley, Zotero).

Things to know

Start using a reference management tool from the beginning of your information retrieval for a seminar paper or a thesis or a research topic. Your references will stay in order and it will be easy to create a bibliography.

Reference Management

Store your references with a reference manager. You can use the reference manager to:

Reference management software enables you to:

  • Create your personal reference database
  • Share references 
  • Create a bibliography
  • Create in-text-citations
  • Format citations and bibliography according to different citation styles

Reference management applications