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Ebsco | UniOulu

Ebsco | Oamk

- one interface, many databases

As a default all databases are chosen to be searched. Above the search bar Searching: All databases change the setting.

More info on Ebsco databases (Oulu University)


  • eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) Search and view the full text of eBooks. Includes the basic eBook Academic Collection and e-book titles purchased separately by the library.
  • Academic Search Ultimate full-text journals, many peer-reviewed, covers nearly all academic disciplines.

Nursing and health

  • CINAHL with Full Text full-text nursing and allied health journals indexed in CINAHL.
  • MEDLINE peer-reviewed journals in biomedics and health.

Psychology and education

  • APA PsycArticles full text peer-reviewed journals in psychology and behavior.
  • ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) full-text and peer-reviewed journals in education literature and research.
  • Teacher Reference Center peer-reviewed teacher and administrator journals. 


Business and economics

  • Business Source Ultimate full-text journals, many peer-reviewed, various business topics, from current trends to historical information and global perspectives.
  • EconLit with Full Text full-text and peer-reviewed journals for economic research.

Geosciences and environment

  • GreenFILE full-text and peer-reviewed journals in all aspects of human impact to the environment.
  • GeoRef full-text and peer-reviewed journals in geosciences.
  • Arctic & Antarctic Regions (AAR) records for research related to polar and Arctic studies, many journals peer-reviewed.

Architecture and art

  • Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals journal articles on architecture and design, covering subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and interior design. 
  • Art & Architecture Complete full-text and peer-reviewed journals; fine, decorative, and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design.


  • MLA Directory of Periodicals list of periodicals and book series indexed in the MLA International Bibliography.
  • Regional Business News full-text regional business newspapers and magazines for the United States and Canadian provinces.
  • eBook Academic Collection multidisciplinary collection includes thousands of e-books covering a large selection of academic subjects and features e-books from leading publishers and university presses.  
  • OpenDissertations electronic theses and dissertations mainly from USA and UK; available also on the open web via opendissertations.org.
  • Possible trial databases.

More info on Ebsco databases (Oamk)


  • eBook Collection (EBSCOhost): Search and view the full text of eBooks. Includes the basic eBook Academic Collection and e-book titles purchased separately by the library.
  • Academic Search Premier full-text journals, many peer-reviewed, covers nearly all academic disciplines.

Nursing and health

  • CINAHL with Full Text full-text nursing and allied health journals indexed in CINAHL.
  • MEDLINE peer-reviewed journals in biomedics and health.


  • ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) full-text and peer-reviewed journals in education literature and research.
  • Teacher Reference Center peer-reviewed teacher and administrator journals. 



  • Business Source Premier full-text journals, many peer-reviewed, various business topics, from current trends to historical information and global perspectives.

Information science


  • GreenFILE full-text and peer-reviewed journals in all aspects of human impact to the environment.



* replaces 0…n characters

product* > product, products, production, producting, producted, productive...
child*  > child, children's, childhood, childcare, childbirth, childlessness...

Boolean operators

Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT are not case sensitive.

When entering search terms without Boolean or other operators the default setting is N5 (near 5) 

tax* reform* is the same as tax* N5 reform*

Proximity search

Proximity operators are used for two or more words that occur within a specified number of words (or fewer) of each other.

Nn regardless of the order, n ≥ 0

tax N3 reform > tax reform, reform of income tax
(distan* OR online OR virtual* OR remote*) N4 (educat* OR learn* OR teach*)

Wn in the order in which you entered them, n ≥ 0

oil W3 (disaster OR clean-up OR contaminat*)

(sme OR smes OR smb OR smbs) OR ((small* OR medium*) W5 (business* OR compan* OR enterpris* OR firm* OR corporation*)


  • Kielen voi vaihtaa esim. suomeksi.


  • HTML-muotoisia artikkeleita (Online full text) voi kuunnella ja kääntää esimerkiksi suomeksi. Käännöstä ei voi kuunnella.
  • PDF-muotoisia artikkeleita voi kuunnella.
  • Kuunneltavat artikkelit voi ladata mp3-muodossa.


User interface

  • Interface language can be changed.


  • HTML format articles (Online full text) can be listened to and translated. The translation cannot be listened to.
  • PDF format articles can be listened to.
  • Articles that can be listened to can be downloaded in mp3 format.
