As a default all databases are chosen to be searched. Above the search bar Searching: All databases change the setting.
product* > product, products, production, producting, producted, productive...
child* > child, children's, childhood, childcare, childbirth, childlessness...
Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT are not case sensitive.
When entering search terms without Boolean or other operators the default setting is N5 (near 5)
tax* reform* is the same as tax* N5 reform*
Proximity operators are used for two or more words that occur within a specified number of words (or fewer) of each other.
Nn regardless of the order, n ≥ 0
tax N3 reform > tax reform, reform of income tax
(distan* OR online OR virtual* OR remote*) N4 (educat* OR learn* OR teach*)
Wn in the order in which you entered them, n ≥ 0
oil W3 (disaster OR clean-up OR contaminat*)
(sme OR smes OR smb OR smbs) OR ((small* OR medium*) W5 (business* OR compan* OR enterpris* OR firm* OR corporation*)
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