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Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Industrial Engineering and Civil Engineering subject guide: Articles/Databases/Journals

Key databases

Scientific search engines

Evaluating journals

Evaluating Internet sources

Internet sources must be critically evaluated, taking in consideration information reliability, permanence of source, availability of the document and copyrights.

Instructions on how to evaluate Internet sources:

Citation Alerts

Making a citation alert means that you will be automatically kept up-to-date when a certain article or a particular researcher has been cited.

Finding search terms

Use the tools listed below to find terminology related to your subject area. More about finding search terms in  Finding scientific information

ChatGPT, Copilot, and similar AI tools can help you find good keywords for your search. Please note, however, that they do not replace the need to familiarise oneself with the terminology used by researchers and experts in the field, see AI tools in information searching: GenAI – ChatGPT, Copilot

Full text databases

Accessing a journal article/a journal


Try searching for journal articles with the following useful tools:


Reference Management

Store your references with a reference manager. You can use the reference manager to:

Reference management software enables you to:

  • Create your personal reference database
  • Share references 
  • Create a bibliography
  • Create in-text-citations
  • Format citations and bibliography according to different citation styles

Reference management applications


Parallel publishing

About parallel publishing (or self archiving) on Open Access publishing guide.

Open Access (OA) -publishing

A scientific publication is openly accessible when both the scholarly community and the general public have free and unrestricted access to it on the Internet.

Guide for open access-publishing.

Journals by subject

The SCImago Journal & Country Rank portal contains ranking lists by subject for publications (journals, conference proceedings, books) included in the Scopus database. Lists can be sorted  according to different indicators.

Journal Citation Reports is a comprehensive and unique resource that allows the evaluation and comparison of journals using citation data drawn from over 10000 scholarly and technical journals included in the Web of Science -database. Journals are divided into over 200 categories by subject.