The IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)provides a single source to almost a third of the world's current electrical engineering and computer science literature, granting unparalleled access to publications from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEL is available online through the IEEE XploreTM interface.
IEEE Xplore is a digital library providing access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, electronics, and related disciplines. IEEE Xplore contains full-text documents from IEEE journals, magazines, conference proceedings, and standards, in addition to books and educational courses. IEEE Xplore also includes content from select other publishers including the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), MIT Press, IBM, Nokia Bell Labs, VDE Verlag, Tsinghua University Press, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Oxford University Press (OUP), Beijing Institute of Aerospace Information (BIAI), now Publishers, River Publishers, Artech House, and Princeton University Press, among others.
* replaces multiple characters anywhere in a word
? question mark replaces single character
The singular form of a word finds also the plural form.
Basic form of a verb finds also common verb forms: -ed, -es, ja -ing. British and American spellings are searched automatically.
foot retrieves foot ja feet
circuit retrieves circuit, circuits, circuited, circuiting
fiber retrieves fiber, fibre
“surface acoustic wave filter”
NEAR/0 (capital letters) words in any order
ONEAR/0 (capital letters) words in the given order
resistance ONEAR/0 amplifier
heart AND rate
heart rate retrieves heart AND rate
NEAR/n : words in any order, n ≥ 0
ONEAR/n : words in the given order, n ≥ 0
signal NEAR/1 isolation
the default order of operator precedence is:
Use Command Search for multiple operations.
Operators are not supported in advanced search fields, but you can use the drop-down menus between search fields. Operators are possible to use in command search, basic search, and search within results.