You can submit a research plan for your thesis when its main supervisor has been approved.
Submit a research plan for the thesis with the ”Submit research plan” button. Enter the research plan into the text field (max. 10 000 characters) or submit it as an attachment. Please keep in mind that the finalised thesis is a public document and it should not contain any confidential material. According to the University of Oulu’s declaration on responsible research theses and dissertations as well as other publications published by the University are published open access in electronic form and they are licensed under a CC-BY license when possible.
Estimate and fill in the goal date for completing the thesis. The set date does not bind you in any way, as it is only used for monitoring the progress of the thesis process.
Read carefully the topics about research data management.
Finally, verify the data before submitting them for review. You can request permission through the system to edit your research plan, if necessary.
All persons involved in the thesis process, i.e. the main supervisor, supervisor(s), reviewer(s) and approver(s) can give feedback on your research plan. The feedback is listed at the end of the research plan form, in a separate feedback list.
Where can I find instructions for drawing up a research data management plan?
You can find the instructions in the Finding scientific information -guide.
Why can’t I submit my research plan into Laturi?
You can submit your research plan after the main reviewer for your thesis has been approved.