energy w/2 policy
(distan* OR online OR virtual* OR remote*) w/5 (educat* OR learn* OR teach*)
robot* w/1 hand OR arm
systematic W/5 review > systematic PRE/5 review, review with a systematic...
heart PRE/0 attack on sama kuin "heart attack"
(sme OR smes OR smb OR smbs) OR ((small* OR medium*) PRE/3 (business* OR compan* OR enterpris* OR firm* OR corporation*))
systematic PRE/5 review > systematic review, systematic literature review, systematic and critical review, systematic search and scoping review...
sensor W/15 robot AND water OR orbit OR planet
finland or finnish and pisa on sama kuin (finland or finnish) and pisa
(wind OR solar) AND (power OR energy)
(robot* w/2 hand) OR (robot* pre/3 arm)
( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "fourth industrial revolution" OR "4th industrial revolution" OR "industry 4.0" OR "industrial revolution 4.0" OR "industrial internet of things" OR "industrial iot" OR "industrial iots" OR i2ot OR iiot ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( sme OR smes OR smb OR smbs OR msme OR msmes ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( micro* OR small* OR medium* PRE/3 business* OR compan* OR enterpris* OR firm* OR corporation* ) )
( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "fourth industrial revolution" OR "4th industrial revolution" OR "industry 4.0" OR "industrial revolution 4.0" OR "industrial internet of things" OR "industrial iot" OR "industrial iots" OR i2ot OR iiot ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( sme OR smes OR smb OR smbs OR msme OR msmes OR ( micro* OR small* OR medium* PRE/3 business* OR compan* OR enterpris* OR firm* OR corporation* ) ) )
Tietopalvelu toimipisteissä: Tiedekirjasto Pegasus, Lääketieteen kirjasto, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan kirjasto, Oulaisten oppimiskeskus.
Tietoiskut on tarkoitettu Oulun yliopiston ja Oamkin opiskelijoille ja henkilökunnalle sekä OYSin henkilökunnalle. Ei ennakkoilmoittautumista, ellei toisin mainita.