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Publisher's Guide – Information about publishing: Oamk Journal

Oamk Journal

Oamk Journal  is an online publication series of Oulu University of Applied Sciences that openly produces new information for use by professional audiences. Its activities align and develop the editorial board. Oamk Journal makes the expert work done in Oamk visible.

Photo about papers in the table with post-it notes.

The publications in Oamk Journal are all open access

Publishing in Oamk Journal

The aim of Oamk Journal is to make the results of RDI activities, learning and the development of teaching visible to the public. The publications strive for high quality and social utility. Publications appear online one publication at a time.

Content can be provided by those working at Oamk. In addition, the Guest Pen section publishes texts from outside Oamk. Students can publish in the Oamk Journal by co-authoring with a teacher. The "From Students" section publishes the maturity article manuscripts by students.

Authoring instructions (in finnish only)

10 reasons to publish in Oamk Journal


  1. Oamk Journal has ISSN.

  2. Reports and edited volumes have ISBN.

  3. The publications have a permanent URN address, which makes it easy to share the publication.

  4. Oamk Journal takes accessibility requirements into account.

  5. Publications are shared on Oamk's social media channel in LinkedIn.

  6. The publications have a Creative Commons license (CC license), which tells you how to use and share the publications.

  7. Oamk Journal's publications are Open Access publications. They meet OKM's requirements for openness and receive a coefficient of 1.2 in the publication data collection.

  8. Oamk Journal enables the extraction of descriptive information from publications and indexing of content to other search services.

  9. The publications are self-archived in Theseus, where they will remain permanently.

  10. The Google Scholar search service highlights the self-archived publications in Theseus well in the search results.

Oamk Journal editorial board

The editorial board of Oamk Journal promotes the publishing activities and is responsible for the journal's operating process, policies and development. The editorial board members (2023-2025):

Valokuvassa Tiina Kaksonen.

Kaksonen Tiina, chair


Valokuvassa Sirpa Ahvenlampi.

Ahvenlampi Sirpa

University of Oulu, Publishing Services

Valokuvassa Tuula Hopeavuori.

Hopeavuori Tuula

Language Center

Valokuva puuttuu.

Kangas Tanja

Information and Communication Technology

Valokuvassa Riitta Kokko.

Kokko Riitta

University of Oulu, Publishing Services

Valokuvassa Karoliina Paalimäki-Paakki.

Paalimäki-Paakki Karoliina

Health and Social Care

Valokuvassa Vesa Pitsinki.Pitsinki Vesa


Valokuvassa Matti Rahko.
Rahko Matti


Valokuvassa Anu Rosberg.

Rosberg Anu


Valokuvassa Tiiu Tenno.

Tenno Tiiu

School of Professional Teacher Education

Valokuvassa Sanna Tyni.

Tyni Sanna




Photo of Tiina Kaksonen.


Kaksonen Tiina

Oamk Journal 


Photo of Sirpa Ahvenlampi.

Ahvenlampi Sirpa

Oamk Journal
Publishing Coordinator