hyvinvointi OR terveys
mielenterveys OR "psyykkinen hyvinvointi"~2 OR "henkinen hyvinvointi"~2 OR "psyykkinen terveys"~2 OR elämäntaito OR elämänhallinta OR "henkinen kasvu"~2 OR "hyvä elämä"~2 OR mielenrauha OR stressinhallinta OR itseapu OR itsekasvatus
wellbeing OR "well being" OR welfare OR wellness OR "quality of life" OR "life quality" OR "good life" OR "life satisfaction" OR "satisfaction with life" OR "meaning in life" OR "mental health" OR flourishing OR euthymia OR "peace of mind"
unhealth* OR sick OR sickness OR ill OR illness
disabilit* OR disorder* OR impairment* OR disrupt* OR impediment* OR defect* OR problem* OR trouble OR complicat* OR difficult* OR limited OR failur* OR error* OR struggl* OR derangement* OR deficiency OR deficit OR malfuncti* OR disfuncti* OR dysfuncti* OR unintelligible OR disturban* OR dysfluen* OR disfluen* OR abnormal* OR inabilit* OR delay* OR late
psykoo* OR ”psyykkisesti sairaat” OR ”psykiatriset potilaat” OR mielenterveyshäiriö* OR mielenterveysongelm* OR delirium*
psycho* OR “psychiatric patient*” OR ”mentally ill” OR “mental illness” OR “mental disorder*” OR “mental health problems” OR “mental health patients” OR deliri*
Lunatic* OR Imbecile* OR Idiot* OR Insan* OR mad* OR psycholog* OR mental* OR psychiatr* OR psychotherap* OR Schizophreni* OR Psychosis OR Bipolar OR depression
”aivojen verenkiertohäiriöt” OR "aivoverenkiertohäiriö*" OR aivohalvau* OR ”aivojen infarkti” OR aivoinfarkti* OR aivoiske* OR tia-kohtau*
“cerebrovascular disorders” OR stroke* OR “brain infarction” OR "brain infarct" OR “brain ischemia” OR “transient ischemic attack”
elintap* OR elintav* OR elämäntap* OR elämäntav*
ravinto* OR ravinno* OR ravitsemu* OR ruoka* OR dieet*
aamiainen OR lounas OR päivällinen OR välipala
kouluruoka OR koululounas
ylipaino* OR lihav* OR liikalihav* OR keskivartalolihav* OR painonnousu*
laihdut* OR painonpudot* OR painonalen* OR painonhallin* OR paasto*
lifestyle OR "life style"
diet* OR food OR eat* OR nutriti* OR appeti* OR malnutriti* OR beverage OR drinking OR feeding
meals OR breakfast OR lunch OR snacks OR dinner OR supper
"food intake" OR "caloric intake" OR "calorie intake" OR "dietary intake" OR "fat intake" OR "protein intake" OR "energy intake"
obesity OR obese OR overweight OR overnutrition OR "body mass" OR "body weight" OR "weight gain" OR "body fat"
"weight reduction" OR "weight loss" OR "caloric restriction" OR "diet restriction" OR fasting OR "appetite regulation" OR "diet modification"
liikunta OR arkiliik* OR hyötyliik* OR kalorinkulut* OR "fyysinen aktiivisuus"
"Movement behavior" OR "Movement behaviour"
"active lifestyle" OR "active life style" OR "active living" OR "physical* activit*"
gardening OR housework OR "household work*" OR "household activit*" OR "domestic work*" OR "domestic activit*" OR "domestic task*" OR "everyday activit*" OR "mundane activit*" OR "mundane task*" OR "shovel* snow" OR "snow shovel*"
exercise OR "physical* activit*" OR "Physical Condition*" OR "physical training" OR "physical strength" OR "physical exertion" OR "Physical Endurance" OR "Physical Performance" OR "physical function*" OR "muscle strength*" OR "muscular strength*" OR workout OR gym OR gymnast* OR walking OR running OR jogging OR bicycling OR biking OR fitness OR sport OR athlet* OR "physical education" OR "Movement Education" OR "Physical literacy" OR "physical competence" OR "physical* health*"
sedentar* OR inactiv* OR sitting OR lying
sleep* OR rest OR resting OR relax*
recreation* OR leisure
"sleep wake cycle" OR "Sleep Waking Cycle" OR "sleep wake rhythm" OR "sleep wake clock" OR "sleep wake pattern" OR "circadian rhythm" OR "circadian clock" OR "circadian cycle" OR "circadian regulation" OR "circadian phase" OR chronobio* OR chronotype OR "diurnal rhythm" OR "internal clock" OR "biological clock"
(medi* OR lääk* OR saira* OR tartuntatau* OR taudi* OR tauti* OR terve* OR psyki* OR mielen* OR mielisaira* OR hullu*) AND historia
"History Of Medicine" OR "medical history" OR "history of nursing"
histor* OR century OR ancient OR "early modern" OR pre-modern OR premodern
medic* OR health* OR physician* OR doctor OR nurse OR nursing OR patient OR disease OR illness OR epidemi* OR pandemi* OR infectio* OR hospital* OR therapeut* OR diagnosis OR surgery
Lunatic* OR Imbecile* OR Idiot* OR Insan* OR mad* OR psycholog* OR mental* OR psychiatr* OR psychotherap* OR Schizophreni* OR Psychosis OR Bipolar OR depression
anatomy OR brain etc.
diabetes OR tuberculosis OR infection OR tumor OR cancer etc.
welfare OR health* OR nutrition OR obesity OR sanitation OR mortal* OR death
“substance use” OR “substance abuse” OR dependence OR addiction OR “drug use” OR “drug abuse” OR “drug addiction”
alcoholism OR alcoholic OR “alcohol dependence” OR “alcohol abuse” OR “alcohol addiction”
tobacco OR smoking OR nicotine OR cigarettes OR e-cigarettes OR “electronic cigarettes” OR “vapor cigarettes” OR vapes OR vaping OR juul OR juuling OR “electronic nicotine delivery device”
rehabilitation OR therapy OR treatment OR intervention OR “replacement therapy” OR “substitution treatment”
"own check" OR "in-house control" OR self-supervision
neulattomat yhdistäjät
(neulat* OR ”split septum” OR negatiivi* OR neutraali* OR positiivi* OR ”anti reflux” OR ”zero reflux” OR mekaani*) AND (yhdist* OR liit* OR venttiili* OR takaiskuventtiili*)
“needleless connector” OR “needlefree connector” OR “needle-free connector” OR “needle free connector” OR “needle-free device” OR “needle free device” OR “needlefree device” OR “needlefree catheter” OR “needle-free catheter” OR “needle free catheter” OR “needleless valve” OR “needle-free valve” OR “needle free valve” OR “needle-free valve” OR “split septum” OR “negative pressure valve” OR “negative pressure relief valve” OR “negative pressure connector” OR “negative pressure relief connector valve” OR “neutral pressure valve” OR “neutral pressure connector” OR “positive pressure valve” OR “positive pressure relief valve” OR “positive pressure connector valve” OR “positive pressure relief connector valve” OR “anti-reflux valve” OR “anti reflux valve” OR “zero reflux connector” OR “mechanical valve”
“venous catheter” OR “central catheter” OR “intravenous catheter”
“kehonulkoinen veren hapeuttaminen” OR ”kehonulkoinen veren happeuttaminen” OR ”kehon ulkoinen veren hapeuttaminen” OR ”kehon ulkoinen veren happeuttaminen” OR ”kehonulkoinen happeuttaminen” OR ”kehonulkoinen hapeuttaminen” OR ”kehon ulkoinen hapeuttaminen” OR ”kehon ulkoinen happeuttaminen”
”extracorporeal membrane oxygenation” OR “extracorporeal life support” OR “extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation”
myopia* OR likitaitto* OR likinäkö*
myopia OR nearsighted* OR near-sighted*
health* OR medic* OR clinic* OR doctor* OR physician* OR nurse* OR nursing OR hospital* OR patient* OR diagnos* OR treatment* OR care OR caring OR cure OR therap* OR rehabilit* OR counseling OR counselling OR intervention OR consultation OR pharmac* OR prescription OR patholog* OR pathofysiolog* OR physiopatholog* OR monitoring OR sensing OR control
"health personnel" OR "health care personnel" OR "health professionals" OR doctor* OR physician* OR nurse* OR "nursing staff" OR "medical staff"
"outcome assessment" OR "treatment effectiveness" OR "treatment outcome"
palliatiivi* OR saattohoi* OR terminaalihoi* OR kuoleva OR oireenmukainen OR ”oireita lievittävä”
palliative OR hospice OR terminal OR end-of-life OR “end of life” OR dying
“patient information system*” OR “patient record system*” OR “electronic health record*” OR “medical information system*” OR “clinical information system*” OR “health information system*” OR “patient information management system*”
”nature-based therapy” OR “nature assisted therapy” OR “nature-assisted therapy” OR “nature therapy” OR “outdoor therapy” OR “outdoor intervention*” OR “nature intervention*” OR “forest bathing” OR “forest therapy”
m-health OR mhealth OR telehealth* OR "tele health" OR telemedic* OR "tele medicine" OR telepractice OR teleintervention OR telecare OR teletherap* OR "tele therapy" OR telerehab* OR telenurs* OR telemonitoring OR e-health* OR ehealth* OR e-medicine OR e-counseling OR helpline
telecardiolog* OR teleoncolog* [etc]
"telephone triage" OR "telephone care assessment"
Läheisyysoperaattorit ovat tietokantakohtaisia. Luvulla ilmaistaan kuinka monta sanaa hakusanojen väliin voi enintään jäädä.
(etä-yhdyssanat) OR ((etä-sanat) [läheisyysoperaattori] (hoito-sanat))
(m-health* OR mhealth* OR telehealth* OR telemedic...) OR ((distan* OR online OR mobile... ) W/5 (therap* OR treatment* OR rehabilit* OR intervention...))
suu OR hampaat OR ikenet
terveys OR hygienia OR hoito OR pesu
karie* OR hammaskarie* OR hammasmä*
oral OR dental* OR denti* OR paradent* OR mouth* OR tooth* OR teeth* OR periodont* OR parodont* OR endodont* OR orthodont* OR prosthodont* OR pulpa* OR gum OR gingiv* OR enamel OR caries OR carious OR root-canal OR plaque OR calculus OR calculi OR halitosis
dentist* OR "dental surgeon" OR "dental assistant*" OR "dental nurs*" OR "dental hygienist*" OR "dental technician*" OR denturist* OR "dental team*" OR "dental auxiliar*" OR "dental profession*" OR "dental care profession*" OR "dental health* work*" OR "dental practitioner" OR "oral health* work*" OR "oral health* profession*"
"tooth pain" OR "dental pain"
"dental fear" OR "dental anxiety" OR "dental phobia" OR "dental phobic" OR "fear of dentists"
anesthe* OR anaesthe* OR sedati* OR tranquil*
incisor OR molar
saliva* OR tongue
edentulous OR toothless* OR "tooth loss" OR denture OR implant* OR prosthe* OR prosthodont*
hygiene OR care OR health* OR wash* OR clean* OR brush* OR toothbrush* OR toothpaste OR toothpick* OR rinse OR rinsing OR mouthrins* OR mouthwash* OR gargling OR floss* OR fluoride OR xylitol OR "chewing gum" OR dentifric*
caries OR "dental decay"
"emergency medical services" OR “medical emergency services” OR "emergency medical technicians" OR “emergency care” OR “emergency treatment” OR “emergency medical treatment” OR “emergency medicine” OR “emergency service” OR “prehospital care” OR “pre-hospital care”
"emergency medical technicians" OR “emergency nursing” OR nurse-paramedics OR “nurse paramedics” OR “paramedical personnel” OR “rescue personnel” OR “emergency responders” OR “first responders”
paramedic OR ambulance OR prehospital OR pre-hospital OR out-of-hospital OR “out of hospital” OR outpatient
ambulance OR (emergency N2 (vehicle* OR car)) OR “transportation of patients” OR transport* OR convey* OR non-transport* OR nontransport* OR non-convey* OR nonconvey*
motoriset taidot
"motor skills" OR "motor development" OR "motor activity" OR "motor functions" OR "motor learning"
pitkävaikuttei* OR hitaasti OR hidas* OR depot* OR “lai-lääkkeet”
“sustained release” OR ”long acting” OR ”delayed action” OR “prolonged action” OR depot*
lääkkeetön* OR lääkkeettöm*
non-pharmacologic* OR nonpharmacologic* OR nondrug OR non-drug OR drugless OR drug-free
annosjakelu* OR annostelujärjestelm* OR lääkkeenannostelujärjestelm*
"drug delivery systems" OR "hospital medication systems" OR “electronic medication management systems” OR “automated dispensing cabinets” OR “barcode medication administration”
“first labor stage” OR “first labour stage” OR “first stage of labor” OR “first stage of labour” OR “cervical dilatation*” OR “latent phase”
labor OR labour OR birth OR childbirth OR delivery OR parturition OR intrapartum
“delivery rooms” OR “birthing rooms” OR “birthing centers”
Synnytyksen rentoutusmenetelmät/kivunlievitysmenetelmät
rento* OR mindfulness OR audioanalgesia* OR kuuloanalgesia* OR hyräil* OR psykoprofylak* OR hypno* OR visualisoi* OR hengit*
relax* OR mindfulness OR audioanalgesia OR “audio analgesia” OR humming OR psychoprophylaxis OR hypno* OR visualization OR breathing OR “progressive muscle relaxation”