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Hakusanat | Search terms: Opetus

Kouluasteet, oppiminen

varhaiskasvat* OR päiväko* OR esiopet* OR esikoulu* OR päivähoi* OR lastentarh* OR perhepäivähoi* OR ryhmäperhepäivähoi* OR leikkikoulu* OR liikuntaleikkikoulu* OR musiikkileikkikoulu* OR eskari* OR päiväkerho*

koulukypsyys OR kouluvalmius OR koulunkäyntivalmius OR koulutulokas

perusopet* OR peruskoulu* OR alkuopet* OR alakoulu* OR yläkoulu* OR luokanopettaj*

lukio* OR aikuislukio* OR ammattilukio* OR erikoislukio* OR etälukio* OR iltalukio* OR kesälukio*

"toisen asteen koulutus"~6

"ammatillinen koulutus"~2 OR "ammatillinen aikuiskoulutus"~2 OR "ammatillinen oppilaitos"~2 OR ammattitutkin*

korkeakoulu* OR yliopisto* OR ammattikorkeakoulu* OR "korkea-asteen koulutus"~2

Education in Finland (Wikipedia)

The naming of school years in British and American English (Wikipedia)

"general education" OR "basic education"

"early childhood educat*" OR "early care and education" OR "early childhood care and education" OR "early learning" OR "early educat*" OR "early childhood teach*" OR kindergarten* OR prekindergarten* OR pre-kindergarten* OR pre-k OR preschool* OR pre-school* OR "pre-primary" OR preprimary OR "nursery education" OR "nursery school*" OR "infant education" OR "infant school*" OR "child care centre*" OR "child care center*" OR "child day care" OR "child daycare" OR "day nursery" OR "play school*"

"primary education" OR "primary school*" OR "elementary education" OR "elementary school*" OR "comprehensive school*" OR pupil* OR student* OR "Grade 1" OR "Grade 2" OR "Grade 3" OR "Grade 4" OR "Grade 5" OR "Grade 6" OR "First grade*" OR "Second grade*" OR "Third grade*" OR "Fourth grade*" OR "Fifth grade*" OR "sixth grade*" OR "1st grade*" OR "2nd grade*" OR "3rd grade*" OR "4th grade*" OR "5th grade*" OR "6th grade*"

"middle school*" OR "middle grade*" OR "junior high" OR student* OR "Grade 7" OR "Grade 8" OR "Grade 9" OR "seventh grade*" OR "eighth grade*" OR "ninth grade*" OR "secondary education" OR "secondary school*" OR "intermediate school"

"middle school*" OR "high school*" OR "senior high" OR "secondary education" OR "secondary school*" OR student* OR "Grade 10" OR "Grade 11" OR "Grade 12"

college* OR "higher education" OR "academic education" OR "university education" OR graduate OR undergraduate OR student* OR "postsecondary education" OR "masters program" OR "academic degree*" OR baccalaureate

"vocational school*" OR "vocational education" OR "vocational secondary education" OR "vocational stud*" OR "vocational teach*"

"medical education" OR "medical student*" OR "medical school*" OR "medical college*" OR "nursing education" OR "nursing school*" OR "nursing student*"

"doctoral education" OR "doctoral program*"

"professional education" OR "continuing education" OR "continuing training" OR "further training" OR "further education" OR "adult education" OR "lifelong learning" OR "open universit*" OR extramural*

arkioppiminen OR (informaali oppiminen)

informal* OR non-formal* OR nonformal* OR incidental* OR "out of school" OR "out of class" OR "outside the classroom" OR extramural*


"reform schools" OR "reformatory schools" OR "approved schools"

Opettaja | Koti & koulu


teacher* OR educator* OR caregiver*

opettajuus OR opettaja-oppilassuhde OR opetustilanne OR luokkatyö OR opetustyö OR luokkahuone

"teaching method*" OR "teaching style*" OR "teacher role" OR "teacher influence*" OR "teacher behavi*" OR "teacher attitude*" OR "teacher effectiveness" OR "teacher character* OR "teacher student" OR "student teacher" OR "teacher pupil"

(kodin ja koulun yhteistyö) OR kasvatusyhteistyö OR kasvatuskumppanuus

(koti OR vanhemmat) AND (koulu OR opettaja)

"parent teacher" OR "teacher parent" OR "family school" OR "school family" OR "parent* school" OR "home school" OR "parent* participation" OR "parent* role" OR "parent* engage*" OR "parent professional collaborat*" OR "parent professional partner*"

(home OR parent* OR famil* OR guardian*) AND (school* OR teacher* OR educator*) AND (communicat* OR interact* OR discours* OR discursive OR conversat* OR discuss* OR dialogue* OR dialogic* OR collaborat* OR cooperat* OR co-operat* OR relation* OR participat* OR involve* OR engage* OR partner* OR messag* OR network* OR conflict* OR feedback)

opetusyhteistyö* OR yhteisopet* OR (yhteistyö opet*)

co-teach* OR co-taught OR coteach* OR "team teach*" OR "teach* team" OR "team taught" OR "teacher collaboration"

"teacher education" OR "student teacher" OR "teacher train*" OR (teacher "professional development") OR "teacher preparation" OR "Preparing Teacher*" OR "teacher learning" OR "teacher knowledge" OR "Teacher Development"

"pre-service teacher*" OR "preservice teacher*" OR "teacher candidate*" OR "Preservice Elementary Teacher*" OR "Pre-Service Elementary Teacher*" OR "Preservice Elementary School Teacher*" OR "future teacher*" OR "becoming a teacher" OR "tomorrow's teacher*" OR "future educator*"

"novice teacher*" OR "starting teacher*" OR "beginning teacher*" OR "new teacher*" OR "young teacher*" OR "first year teacher*" OR "early career teacher*" OR "newly qualified teacher*"

Teachers in Training or Preservice Teachers



"health education"

"physical education" OR "Movement Education"
Katso myös Terveys-välilehti

"sex* education" OR "Relationship* Education"

music* AND (educat* OR pedagog* ...)
"music education" OR "music class*" OR "music student*"

"science technology engineering and mathematics" OR "science technology engineering and math" OR "science technology engineering mathematics" OR stem

mathematic* OR math OR algebra* OR geometr* OR calculus‎


Kiusaaminen, bullying Psykologia-osiossa

erityiskasvat* OR erityisop* OR erityispedagog* OR erityisryhm* OR erityisluok* OR erityiskoulu* OR erityispäivähoi* OR erityislastentarhanopet* OR "erityinen tuki"~2 OR "tehostettu tuki"~2 OR "erilainen oppija"~2 OR erityislaps* OR erityislast* OR oppimisvaikeu* OR käyttäytymishäiriö* OR lukihäiriö* OR inkluusio* OR inklusiivi*

"special educat*" OR "special need*" OR "special learn*" OR inclusive OR inclusion OR "student* with disabilit*" OR "disabled student*" OR "learning problem*" OR "learning disabilit*" OR "learning disorder*" OR "equal education" OR "individualized education" OR "individualised education" OR IEP

"remedial education" OR "remedial teaching" OR reteaching OR "compensatory education"

"disabled child*" OR "disabled people" OR "disabled person*" OR "intellectual disabilit*" OR "intellectual impairment*" OR "developmental disabilit*" OR "developmental disorder*" OR "mental deficienc*" OR "mental retardation" OR "mentally retarded" OR "Mental Disease*" OR "Mental Disorder*" OR "cognitive defect" OR "Cognition Disorder*" OR "attention deficit disorder*" OR "hearing impairment*" OR "Handicapped Child*" OR "Behavio* Disorder*" OR "Autistic Disorder*" OR "Language Disabilit*" OR "ADHD" OR "Child Development Disorder*" OR Deafness OR Dyslexia OR "Language Development Disorder*" OR Hyperactivity


Learning Disabilities

School Drop Out


Työ-osiossa: moniammatillisuus, collaboration, työssä oppiminen
Psykologia-osiossa: tunteet, itse-
Teknologia-osiossa: pelit, maker culture

Kasvatus, oppiminen | Opintomenestys

kasvatus OR opetus OR opettaminen OR opettaja OR oppiminen OR opiskelija OR oppilas OR koulu OR koululainen OR koulutus OR pedagogiikka

educat* OR pedagog* OR learn* OR school* OR teach* OR course* OR student* OR pupil* OR class OR classroom OR classmate OR classwork OR lesson* OR lecture* OR seminar OR tutor* OR instruct* OR curricul* OR training

pedagog* OR "teacher centered" OR "teacher centric" OR "educator centred"

andragog* OR "self-directed learn*" OR "student-centered learning" OR "learner centred" OR "learner centric"

heutagog* OR "self-determined learn*" OR "self-managed learn*" OR "learner driven"

peeragog* OR "collaborative learn*" OR "peer teaching" OR "peer learning"

geragog* OR eldergog*


"academic achievement" OR "academic outcome*" OR "academic performance" OR "academic progress" OR "academic success" OR "educational outcome*" OR "intellectual performance" OR "learning outcome*" OR "learning performance" OR "school achievement" OR "student* achievement*" OR "student* performance" OR "student success" OR "kindergarten achievement"

Etä-, hybridi-, lähiopetus | Koulutusteknologia

etä* OR verkko* OR tietokone* OR netti* OR digi* OR teknologia OR tietotekniikka OR viestintätekniikka

hybridi* OR monimuoto* OR monipaikka*

lähi* OR luokkaopet*

koulutusteknologia OR e-oppiminen OR opetusteknologia OR verkko-opetus OR "tietokoneavusteinen opetus" OR "tietokoneavusteinen oppiminen" OR verkko-oppiminen OR verkko-opiskelu OR verkkokurssi OR teknologiatuettu OR digipedagogi* OR verkkopedagogi* OR etäopet*

"educational technolog*" OR "e-learn*" OR "electronic learn*" OR "computer aided instruction*" OR "computer assisted instruction*" OR "computer use* in education" OR "computer* in education" OR "technology enhanced learning" OR "technology use* in education" OR "Web-based learning" OR "web based instruction" OR "digital learning" OR "internet in education" OR "game based learning"

"distance education" OR "online learning" OR "mobile learning" OR M-learning OR "virtual learning" OR "online course*" OR "online instruction"

"educational environment" OR "learning system*" OR "learning environment*" OR "blended learning" OR "distributed learning" OR "hybrid learning"

technology OR robot* OR programming OR computer* OR software* OR "computational thinking" OR gamifi* OR games

mooc OR xmooc

"home schooling" OR homeschool* OR "schooling from home"

"recorded lectures"

pre-class OR after-class

hybrid OR blended OR flipped

in-class OR on-campus OR class-based OR classroom-based OR "traditional class*" OR "conventional class*" OR "physical classroom" OR "brick and mortar school*" OR "brick and mortar classroom"

"physical attendance" OR "classroom attendance"

Läheisyysoperaattoriesimerkki: etäopetus

Sanaliitto voi tuntua vakiintuneelta, esim. online education, mutta jolle kuitenkin löytyy myös muita ilmaisutapoja, esim. online learning, distance education, virtual classes, remote lessons. Etäaspektia kuvaamaan on monta sanaa, samoin 'opiskelua'.

AND-operaationa haettaisiin sanoja eri puolilta tietuetta tai tekstiä, jolloin 'etä' ja 'opiskelu' eivät välttämättä löytyisi samasta asiayhteydestä.

(distan* OR online OR mobile OR virtual* OR remote*) AND (education OR pedagog* OR learn* OR school* OR teach* OR course* OR student* OR class OR classroom OR lesson* OR lecture* OR tutor* OR instruct*)

Fraasihaku noilla hakusanoilla edellyttäisi kymmeniä fraaseja; eikä aina edes käytetä fraaseja, vaan voidaan sanoa mm.: "distant surgical teaching", "designing courses for online delivery", "supporting college students remotely", "teaching language in virtual environments".

Apuun tulee läheisyysoperaatio, jolla hakusanat pakotetaan toistensa läheisyyteen ja mahdollistetaan myös esiintyminen kummassa tahansa järjestyksessä.

Läheisyysoperaattorit ovat tietokantakohtaisia. Luvulla ilmaistaan kuinka monta sanaa hakusanojen väliin voi enintään jäädä.

Ebsco N5 (distan* OR online OR mobile OR virtual* OR remote*) N5 (education OR pedagog* OR learn* OR school* OR teach* OR course* OR student* OR class OR classroom OR lesson* OR lecture* OR tutor* OR instruct*)
ProQuest N/5 (distan* OR online OR mobile OR virtual* OR remote*) N/5 (education OR pedagog* OR learn* OR school* OR teach* OR course* OR student* OR class OR classroom OR lesson* OR lecture* OR tutor* OR instruct*)
Scopus W/5 (distan* OR online OR mobile OR virtual* OR remote*) W/5 (education OR pedagog* OR learn* OR school* OR teach* OR course* OR student* OR class OR classroom OR lesson* OR lecture* OR tutor* OR instruct*)
Web of Science NEAR/5 (distan* OR online OR mobile OR virtual* OR remote*) NEAR/5 (education OR pedagog* OR learn* OR school* OR teach* OR course* OR student* OR class OR classroom OR lesson* OR lecture* OR tutor* OR instruct*)

Jos halutaan käyttää läheisyysoperaatiota osana hakulausetta, koko läheisyysoperaatiorimssu kannattaa laittaa sulkumerkkien sisälle. Silloin ei tarvitse välittää eri tietokantojen erilaisista operaattoreiden suoritusjärjestyksistä.

"educational technology" OR ((distan* OR online OR mobile OR virtual* OR remote*) N5 (education OR pedagog* OR learn* OR school* OR teach* OR course* OR student* OR class OR classroom OR lesson* OR lecture* OR tutor* OR instruct*)

(motivat* OR engage*) AND ((distan* OR online OR mobile OR virtual* OR remote*) W/5 (education OR pedagog* OR learn* OR school* OR teach* OR course* OR student* OR class OR classroom OR lesson* OR lecture* OR tutor* OR instruct*)