Searching different variations of a word by using Advanced Search (Fuzzy Search) |
In option Low, the search is only slightly fuzzy. In option High, the search is fuzzier. Fuzzy Search cannot have truncation symbols. |
harbor [Low] -> harbor, harbour harbor [High]-> harbor, harbour, Harper, Harben |
Finding variations of a word |
Truncation and wildcards Asterisk (*) replaces 0...n symbols. |
creat* -> creature, creation, create, creating, creator jne. defen?e ->defense, defence product! -> product, products [ei: productive, productivity] |
Phrases |
Quotation marks are put around phrases. Truncation symbols cannot be used. |
"new world" "war and peace" |
Boolean operators |
Operator AND limits the search by searching with multiple search terms. |
war and peace -> both words have to be included in the search result |
Operator OR searches alternatives. |
war or peace -> either or or both can be found |
NOT is an unconditional operation |
war not peace -> the word ‘war’ has to be included in the search result but ‘peace’ cannot be in it |
Parentheses can be used to determine the order of precedence because parentheses are always processed first. |
(race or colo!r) and discriminat* |
Proximity operators |
With operator Nn words can be in either order. Writing two words consecutively = n4. |
grammar* n5 latin* |
With Operator Wn the order is definite. |
share* w3 value* -> shares of equal value etc. |
Links |
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