Siirry pääsisältöön

Database quick guides: PatSeer Explorer

Quick references of the most central databases in the University of Oulu

PatSeer Explorer


Finding variations of a term


Truncations and wildcards
Wildcards can not be used within double quotes

* matches 0...n characters and can be used anywhere in a term

? matches a single character


_ matches two words together or with a single hyphen/space


*# matches 0...n characters, where # is any number



> optic, optics, optical

> optics, but not optic or optical


> skateboard, skate-board, skate board


> mixer, mixed, but not mixing


Finding different written forms with the symbol
~ (fuzzy search) 

> brain, brake, crain, drain


Exact match is the default operator between search terms. 

Phrases can also be enclosed in double quotation marks. 

Note that wildcards cannot be used within quotation marks

fiber optic = "fiber optic"

Boolean operators

AND searches for any document which has the presence of all the terms that are coupled with AND. 

heat* AND light

OR searches for any document containing the presence of at least one of the terms coupled with OR.
heat* OR light
NOT ignores all documents that include the given term (( (heat* OR light) AND (sun OR moon)) NOT electric )

Parentheses can be added to override the order of precedence: parentheses are always processed first.

fiber optic* AND (heat OR light)

Proximity operators
- are based on calculation, punctuation marks are not taken into account








Proximity can be indicated by

w - bidirectional proximity

wd# - left-right ordered proximity


ws# ja wp# - unordered proximity search within same sentence (ws) or same paragraph (wp). # indicates the rage of occurance.


optic* w2 fiber
> optical fiber, fiber optics

(antivirus wd5 software)
>searches for antivirus within 5 words of software and antivirus must appear before software

(mobile ws network)

(mobile ws3 network)
(mobile wp5 network)


Searching from different fields


Search can be limited to certain fields using field codes, such as

T = Title

A = Abstract

C= Claims

INC = Independet Claims

SOI = Summary of Invention

ADV = Advantage of Invention

DRW = Description of Drawing

TAC = Title, Abstract, Claims

TAS = Title, Abstract, Summary of Invention



T:((led Or diode) AND display)
>searches only from Title-field

TAC:((led Or diode) AND display)
>Searches from Title, Abstract and Claims

Patents can also be searched for by dates

APD = Application Date

APY = Application Year

EED = Estimated Expiry Date

EEY = Estimated Expiry Year

PBD = Publication Date

PBY = Publication Year

APD:2007-06-21; APD:[2001-01-01 TO 2009-12-31]

APY:2001; APY:[2001 TO 2004]

EED:2012-01-23; EED:[2012-01-01 TO 2015-12-31]

EEY:2015; EEY:[2013 TO 2014]

PBD:2011-11-20; PBD:[2003-01-01 TO 2007-12-31]

PBY:2011; PBY:[2010 TO 2011]

Patent Assignees can be searched with

AASN = all Assignee fields

ASN = Assignee

ASNO = Assignee Original

ASNN = Normalized Assignee

CASN = Current Assignee



AASN:"General Motors"

ASN:"General Motors"