The author may format the manuscript to comply with the requirements of the series Acta Universitatis Ouluensis by using ready-made templates, which are available for the most common word processing applications. The author can also use a pre-filled form for Microsoft Word that includes example texts. If the author finalizes the layout using the provided templates, he/she must send the final, laid out manuscript which has undergone a language review as a Word file to the editorial office ( for review.
It is possible to have the layout done at PunaMusta, in which case the author is responsible for the expenses incurred. The author must submit the manuscript files to PunaMusta for layout no later than eight weeks before the date of the public defence of the dissertation and submit the laid out version to the editorial office ( no later than five weeks before the public defence.
When the necessary technical corrections have been made to the file, the editorial office sends it as a PDF file to both the author and the series editor.
Contact information for the staff
Contact information for the series editors
PunaMusta Oy
Tel. 010 230 8375
Thesis defense announcements
UniOGS - University of Oulu Graduate School
Instructions for the final stages of the doctoral degree process
Meeting schedules of the Doctoral training committees
Oulu University Library
Study material series |Other departmental series | Compensation for the dissertation outside the Acta | ISBN identifier