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Instructions for publishing in the series Acta Universitatis Ouluensis: - Acta series editorial process

Editorial office Actan toimitus

Editorial office (five working days)

  • Carry out measures related to layout, e.g. review of the layout of the summarizing section and finalize the layout of the previously published articles for publishing in the dissertation.
  • Prepare the covers and have them reviewed by the doctoral researcher.
  • Submit the publishing agreement to the UniOulu Sign service for signing by the author and the series editor.
  • Send the PDF file to the doctoral researcher and the series editor and send other material to the series editor.
  • Prepare and publish the electronic version of the dissertation. 


Series editor (five working days)

  • After getting permission from the editorial office, the doctoral researcher makes an appointment by email with the series editor.
  • The series editor reviews the agreements, permissions etc. and notifies the doctoral researcher of any possible corrections to the manuscript. The doctoral researcher asks the editorial office to send her the manuscript as a Microsoft Word file, makes the revisions approved by the series editor to the manuscript and sends the file back to the editorial office.
  • After having approved the publication the series editor signs the publishing agreement sends it to the printing house.
  • Publishing Services send the material to the printing house.


The editing process may take more time, depending on the number of corrections made.

Printing house

Printing house (eight working days)

  • The doctoral researcher contacts the printing house and gives permission to print the publication.
  • The printing house sends the proof to the author for approval. To ensure that the timetable of the printing process is kept to, the author must approve the proof within 24 hours. When the author orders an electronic proof, the printing process takes eight working days. If the author wishes to have a printed proof, she must make an agreement on this with the printing house, which will lengthen the printing process.
  • The publication is printed.
  • The dissertations are mailed to the porters’ desk in the Linnanmaa campus central lobby.

Public display period

Public display period (seven days)

  • The doctoral researcher is responsible for ensuring that the printed dissertation is put on public display. It must be on public display no later than seven days before the public defence.



  • The porters will send an email notification to the author when the publications have arrived in the Linnanmaa campus central lobby, and she then collects her own copies from there. The porters are responsible for the distribution of the obligatory distribution copies. Further information on distribution